Photo of Tokyo Yomiuri Giants guests at Dodgertown – Vero Beach, Florida in 1957

(L-R) Front row – Dodger infielder Jim Gilliam; Yomiuri catcher Shigeru Fujio; Yomiuri Manager Shigeru Mizuhara; Yomiuri columnist Sotaro Suzuki; Yomiuri pitcher Sho Horiuchi; and Dodger catcher Roy Campanella. Back row – Behind Campanella is Dodger pitcher Don Drysdale. Following the 1956 Dodgers Goodwill Tour to Japan, Dodger President Walter O’Malley invited Hall of Fame Yomiuri Giants Manager Mizuhara, catcher Fujio and pitcher Horiuchi to 1957 Spring Training at Dodgertown in Vero Beach, Florida. Mizuhara, the players and Japan Baseball Hall of Famer Sotaro Suzuki, who organized the 1956 Goodwill Tour, were guests of the Dodgers from February 28-March 22.