Dodgertown Dates:
Dodger President Branch Rickey discusses spring training with the Brooklyn Dodger Board of Directors. “Mr. Rickey reported on the spring training trip and went into great detail to show the economies of the operation at Pensacola over Havana. He stated that he would have advice for the Board in the near future on 1948 spring training plans.”Minutes, Brooklyn Dodger Board of Directors, June 26, 1947
A report from Branch Rickey mentions the possibility of the Brooklyn Dodgers doing their spring training in the Dominican Republic. “Mr. Rickey reported that he was in receipt of a firm offer from the Dominican Republic which has invited the Brooklyn organization to train there. The offer is of such proportions that Mr. Rickey thought it advisable to personally inspect the locals. He will leave on Monday, July 21st, and any member of the Board is welcome to accompany him.” Minutes, Brooklyn Dodger Board of Directors, July 18, 1947
Dodger President Branch Rickey discusses the spring training re-location of the Brooklyn Dodgers. “Mr. Rickey outlined the Corporation’s tentative plans for spring training, stating that the camp heretofore held at Pensacola would be moved to Vero Beach on terms highly satisfactory. He then discussed the arrangement with the Dominican Republic where the Dodger and the Montreal teams will train during the month of April. Mr. Rickey mentioned that sites in California had been considered and were still under consideration for future years One that seemed to offer some possibilities was El Centro, California.” Minutes, Brooklyn Dodger Board of Directors, October 15, 1947
The Dodgers are looking ahead to the future with their spring training base in Vero Beach, Florida as reported by team President Branch Rickey. “The Vero Beach camp is presently being set up to be another edition of the school started at Sanford and continued last year at Pensacola. Based on the experience of these two camps, economies will be affected. The board was unanimous in endorsing the idea of such an understanding and agreed with Mr. Rickey’s prediction of accelerated production. Brooklyn Dodger Board of Director Notes, December 7, 1947
Branch Rickey submits the potential lease of land for spring training from the city of Vero Beach to the Brooklyn Dodger Board of Directors. The notes detail, “It is expected that a five year lease at $1.00 per year will result. The lease will be submitted to the Board for subsequent approval.” Brooklyn Dodger Board of Director Notes, December 19, 1947