This Day in Walter O’Malley History:
Edwin J. O’Malley, one of 14 children, the second of eight sons of Georgiana Reynolds and Thomas Francis O’Malley, was born. Edwin, the father of Walter O’Malley, who served in the appointed position of Commissioner of Public Markets in New York, lived to 70 years old when he passed in New York City on April 10, 1953.
Charles Pesso, Baseball Chairman, and Thomas Anderson, County Commander of the American Legion of Kings County write a letter to thank Walter O’Malley for his support of American Legion Baseball. “Thanks from 18,000 Legionnaires” wrote Pesso and Anderson “for your contribution to our American Legion Junior Baseball Leagues. This could not be possible without the help of the Brooklyn Baseball Club.”
Gil Hodges hits the first grand slam in Los Angeles Dodger history in a 10-1 win over the Milwaukee Braves.
Sports Editor Paul Zimmerman of the Los Angeles Times is given a tour by Stadium Operations Vice President Dick Walsh of Dodger Stadium under construction. Walsh announced a hoped for date to finish the stadium. “Our completion goal is February 1 (1962) but you know how these things are. That’s the date it should be finished as an architectural standpoint. However, I imagine we’ll be working like the dickens right up to the opening date. We are ahead of schedule on some aspects and behind on others. Zimmerman was impressed by the number of details required to build a stadium and asked about the infield grass. Walsh pointed to an area far beyond left field above where the former Palo Verde School was located. “Do you see that green plot up there?” said Walsh. “The turf is already being sprouted there. It’s what they call tiff-green, a Bermuda strain.” Walsh explained that the Dodgers had consulted agricultural professors at UCLA and the growing grass type was their recommendation. Los Angeles Times, August 23, 1961
Walter O’Malley writes a letter to Frederick Larkin, president of the Security First National Bank and thanks him for an invitation to a picnic dinner at the Hollywood Bowl. O’Malley wrote, “There are times when my wife (Kay) is sure I am a social liability.”
Rick Dempsey homers in the top of the 22nd inning as the Dodgers defeat the Montreal Expos in Montreal, 1-0. Dodger broadcaster Ross Porter sets a Major League Baseball record when he announces the entire game alone on KABC Radio in Los Angeles.