This Day in Walter O’Malley History:
Early indications that not enough support from Republicans and Democrats in the New York State Legislature might kill a proposed Brooklyn Sports Center Authority, which would possibly pave the way for a new dome stadium to be built with private funds for the Dodgers, didn’t faze Walter O’Malley. “I think it’s a little early to reach a conclusion. They haven’t had time to study the bill. It is not a bill for a Dodger ball park; it is for a slum-clearing project, a big civic improvement, from which, of course, we hope to get a new park. As I’ve said before, we don’t want the city to build it. We’re quite willing and able to build it ourselves. We just want the land upon which it may be constructed, and of course we need the city’s help for that. Even without the Dodgers, the program is of great civic importance to New York City and the Borough of Brooklyn.” Roscoe McGowen, The Sporting News, February 15, 1956
In his response letter to Alicia Patterson, Editor and Publisher of Newsday, Walter O’Malley writes about the situation of retaining the Dodgers in Brooklyn, “Democrats always work on Lincoln’s birthday. You wrote me on that day, and I, too, was on the job. Between us, the Dodger matter seems to be lost. We have worked sincerely ever since 1947 trying to arrange a new home for our Dodgers. They are indigenous to Brooklyn.” Patterson was the publisher of Newsday when the newspaper was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for its reporting of labor issues.
Walter O’Malley was honored by the National Society of Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. O’Malley received a plaque for distinguished achievement with co-honorees Los Angeles Supervisor Ernest Debs, Otis Chandler, publisher of the Los Angeles Times, Ralph Parsons of the Parsons Company, and Dr. Norman Topping, President of USC. Los Angeles Times, February 16, 1962